Excuse our dust…

Time to dust off the ol’ website. Its been FAAAARRRR too long since I’ve been on here and made sure things are running smoothly. If you are arriving here for the first time, WELCOME! Glad to have you, feel free to contact me if you have any questions or articles you’d like me to write. If you’re one of our regular visitors, THANK YOU for the support– it means a lot to us. We sure do look forward to getting back on here and letting you all know a little more about our life with the best breed of horses, Rocky Mountain Horses.

Until then feel free to look around. We’ve updated the Stallions page, the sales page and restored the functionality to the history page. I put up some photos in the Horse Power page– I have a few more I’d like to add, but I need to look at permission first. Several folks had asked for names of horses on the slide shows. I finally figured out how to do that– thank you for the great idea! I’ve even added a BRAND NEW FOALS page– I’m trying to collect images of all the foals we and our clients have produced over the years. Who doesn’t like foals? If you have one of our foals, we sure would appreciate the update and picture and we’re happy to add it to our foal page.

If you already have Rockies, we hope this website inspires you to try something new! They sure are versatile, wonderful horses that enjoy being challenged. If you’re new to Rocky Mountain Horses or are thinking of getting one- then take the plunge!

Hopefully we’ll cross paths out on the trail. If not, just know that Sonny and I are pulling for ya.

About Noah

I am a teacher, a student of the horse, and a contrary farmer. I have had the good fortune of being surrounded by horses most of my life. I try to live as simply and self-sufficiently as I can, while I restore this small farm. Step by step, we're getting there, with the help of a few good friends and gentle horses.