What is that horse? A quiz of breeds

When I was young, Dad would slow down as we passed a farm, point out a horse in a pasture and ask: “What horse is that?” This was a serious game for Dad, and if I got it wrong, I’d hear the, “Oh, come on now, you know better than that- look at that horse’s forehead, look at his neck! You know that’s a…” At first, I wasn’t too much of a fan, but as I honed my eye, (and got more right) I enjoyed it more. Dad was really good, he could even ID the crossed horses.

So have fun training your eye! Leave a comment below on what breed each of the pictures show. Of course, the teacher in me needs tell you some rules: 1. No looking the pictures up on the internet! 2. Help from friends is always welcome. Check back soon and I’ll post the answers. Good luck and ENJOY!

About Noah

I am a teacher, a student of the horse, and a contrary farmer. I have had the good fortune of being surrounded by horses most of my life. I try to live as simply and self-sufficiently as I can, while I restore this small farm. Step by step, we're getting there, with the help of a few good friends and gentle horses.

2 comments on “What is that horse? A quiz of breeds

  1. Ok, here are my guesses. Horses A,C &E are Arabians, although horse A could also be a Welsh Cob section D. Horses B and possibly F are American Saddlebreds, although I’ve actually never seen any horse look like F. (maybe giraffe cross?). Horses D & H are Morgans, Horse G is a TWH, and Horse C is a Quarter horse.

    • Correct Vicki!!! Good eye! No Giraffes here. 🙂 I’ll get a post up about a few of these horses in particular– The Quarterhorse pictured is Wimpy- #1 in the AQHA registry, off the famous King Ranch. More on Wimpy

      The old picture of a horse being ridden is the Morgan horse, Flyhawk, who an important sire in many western Morgan horse pedigrees. More on Flyhawk

      Thanks for participating Vicki! I heard you picked up a nice stud colt– he looks like a good one! I hope everyone learned a little bit from this post. 🙂

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